Martin’s Legacy

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, this poignant article will have great meaning to adoptive families touched by transracial adoption.

_mg_2479edit-6b6e5c6307dac79e53ad9b8585c481805a603f36-s800-c85Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! We hope you and your loved ones find a way to honor the memory of man that changed the course of American history in a deep and profound way. Whether its attending a celebration, participating in a community service project, or reading a book/watching a movie about Dr. King, there are countless ways to pay tribute to a heroic figure in our country’s evolution.

The following article was published today on NPR’s website. The story is entitled What Does Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy Look Like To A 5-Year Old? It is written by Joanne Levine. Interestingly enough, the article features commentary from an adoptive mom and her transracially-adopted son.