Why Work With an Adoption Agency?

Adoption STAR LogoToday many opt to pursue an agency adoption due to the many benefits it provides. Adoption STAR is a unique agency providing not only traditional agency child placement services but combining it with options such as agency assisted private adoption and international adoption. There are so many benefits available by selecting Adoption STAR as your adoption resource.

  • Adoption agencies are licensed or state authorized – State officials review agency fees, policies and procedures. Agencies must meet minimum standards from the state, with which one can file a complaint if clients feel they were in any way mistreated. In addition, agencies can be found and held liable legally for dishonest and unethical practices.
  • Adoption agencies work in the best interest of children – Agencies work to identify adoptive families for all children.
  • Adoption agencies offer options – Agencies offer their clients various adoption options and can assist with all types of adoptions, such as agency domestic and international, interstate, private adoptions, etc.
  • Adoption agencies may increase the possibility of child placement – Agencies can place children and make referrals to agencies that have children in need of adoptive placements. Not all adoption agencies place children for adoption; some simply conduct adoption home studies.
  • Adoption agencies believe in education – Adoption education is important and agencies are required to offer adoption and parenting education.
  • Adoption agencies promote post adoption support – Agencies will not disappear after the placement of a child into an adoptive home. They will be there to offer post placement and post adoption support. Agencies are equipped to handle post adoption issues that arise after the adoption of a child.