Thank You
The decision to adopt a child is one of the most serious and important decisions a family can make. Choosing the right agency is necessary.
My husband and I profiled for many babies and were not chosen over a period of 3 months. Michele called me one day and said “I think the problem is […]

Adoptive Parents
My Mom always says that things happen for a reason but I never quite believed that until April 16,2007. Just a day and a half earlier we had received a […]

Jodi and Barry
Adoptive Parents
The happiest day of our lives was the day our daughter came into our lives. We had been dealing with infertility for several years before we decided to adopt. It […]

Cindy and Fred
Adoptive Parents
Most of our extended family was in town to celebrate the 70th birthday of my father-in-law, and the 95th birthday of my Grandmother-in-law. David’s sister and her husband were at […]

Adoptive Parent
I Felt Her Calling Me From China: I couldn’t explain it more than that. People asked me “Why China? Why not a baby from around here?” I always answered, “Because […]

Adoptive Parents
One beautiful summer day, I received a phone call from my mother, telling me that my cousin was pregnant. My cousin is deaf and has other special needs. She did […]

Nicole and Tom
Adoptive Parents