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Do You Need Immediate Assistance?

Are you pregnant or know someone who is and need to get in touch with an adoption professional?

Meet Our Waiting Families.

Our families are educated and pre-approved to adopt and are ready to get to know you and your hopes and wishes for your child.

We Welcome
LGBTQIA+ Individuals & Families

Adoption STAR has received the HRC All Children-All Families Seal in Supporting and Serving LGBTQ Youth and Families. All Children-All Families rates child welfare agencies and their policies and practices towards LGBTQ clients and LGBTQ employees. Adoption STAR has successfully achieved all applicable benchmarks for the highest tier recognition, known as INNOVATOR. Adoption STAR truly welcomes LGBTQ individuals and families.

Answers To Your Common Questions

What does Adoption STAR offer?

Adoption STAR offers you a confidential, reliable, experienced, passionate and compassionate authorized and licensed non-profit adoption agency. At Adoption STAR we provide you with free orientations and individual consultations as you make a decision which adoption path to take. Additionally, the agency provides pre and post adoption counseling, educational classes, as well as child placement adoption services. The agency has over two decades of experience providing adoption services such as home studies, updates, child placements, post-placement, post-adoption support, expectant parent and birth parent support and counseling, and pre and post support for adoptive families. In addition, our expert staff is committed to assisting you in your adoption journey by offering you their support, knowledge, assistance, confidentiality, and most importantly, personalized attention.

Why should I work with Adoption STAR?

Adoption STAR (which stands for Support, Training, Advocacy, and Resources) is a compassionate and unique agency. The agency takes a strong stand on adoption education and believes that no one can make a decision to adopt or place a child for adoption without fully educating themselves on adoption and its many options. Adoption STAR is an agency committed to the best interests of children and will offer all birth families – regardless of race, health, circumstances, sexuality, or disability – the option of adoption for their child. Adoption STAR is an agency dedicated to maintaining connections between adoptive families and birth families and offers education and support with every adoption plan. The bottom line is that you are comfortable with and that will best meet your needs, offering you confidential and personalized services. At Adoption STAR, we pride ourselves on our professionalism and experience within adoption. Most importantly, we LOVE adoption.

Who are the children?

Adoption STAR provides adoption planning for children of all ages — from infancy through age 21. The agency places children of all races, backgrounds, and special needs.

What is required for the home study?

A home study is a document prepared by an agency social worker, which details the adopting families’ personal feelings and values surrounding child rearing, development, and other interpersonal issues. It is a requirement for any adoption. Adoption STAR believes that home studies should be viewed as an educational process to allow the clients and agency to get to know each other and to identify what adoption path the client is most comfortable with.


Though a home study is required by law prior to an adoption placement, Adoption STAR conducts it’s home studies in a way in which they are not viewed as just a “stamp of approval” to adopt. The home study  includes visits with a social worker and pre-adoption educational classes.

What paperwork is required for the home study?

When you register with Adoption STAR for a home study, you will receive an electronic packet of information that includes all the required documentation and links to paperwork that you will need. Most documentation required for the home study is mandated by State regulations.

Getting Started

Request a FREE Information Packet

You deserve the opportunity to talk about all of your options, and to be able to do so without guilt, fear, or judgment.

Is Older Child Adoption for You?

is waiting...

He is an active and energetic 13-year-old who loves sports and likes to give hugs. Aidan also enjoys playing board games and video games...

is waiting...

Soft-spoken and laid-back, Paul wants to be a billionaire someday. The fact that science and math are his favorite subjects...

is waiting...

Chris is an active 15-year-old who enjoys horses and horseback riding. When he is not riding horses he loves video games,...


Please consider making a donation to help support our many wonderful departments and programs for domestic and international adoption. You may earmark your donation for any program, such as the international humanitarian aid projects that Adoption STAR supports.

Upcoming Events

Adoption STAR holds regular events from trainings to fun nights with the whole family!

Latest Blog

How does adoption affect your life? Our blog will introduce adoption and related topics
that impact our daily lives.


TOLL FREE: 1-866-691-3300

This form is specifically for those looking to potentially place a child for adoption. If you are looking to adopt a baby, please reach out to our team here. For other questions or inquiries, please contact us here.