Help us raise $20,000 for the Michele Fried Founder's Fund
This fund will help support our Adopt an Older Kid Program, which works to find forever families for the 124,000 children currently freed for adoption in foster care
Help us help our country's most vulnerable children!
The Michele Fried Founder's Fund was created in honor of Michele Fried our founder and CEO who will be transitioning to a new role with the agency effective October 1st, 2020.
In recent years, Michele helped launch our A-OK program to find permanent families for children in foster care. This fund was created to honor Michele's passion and dedication to finding forever families for the most vulnerable children across the country.
There are over 400,000 children in foster care nationally, and over 124,000 who are freed for adoption, awaiting a family. A-OK is a low-cost adoption program for adoptive parents and often the agency’s contracts with the children's counties barely cover the expenses involved in matching, visitation, placement, supervision and supporting a child’s placement. This fund will work to fill in those financial losses, which will increase our ability to identify more families for the most vulnerable children in our country.
Will you make a donation today?
Make a "Challenge" Donation
Encourage others to contribute to the fund with a challenge donation. For example, you could make a $500.00 donation to the fund and indicate that you’re willing to donate an additional $500.00 if your friends, family, or other Adoption STAR supporters provide smaller donations that total up to at least $500.00. If you provide Adoption STAR’s Development Associate Kristin Ackerman with the names and contact information for people you’d like to target for donating as a part of your "challenge match," we’re willing to do the e-mailing or mailing in an effort to encourage folks to participate by making a financial gift.
Help us in the Race to 10k! We Need You!

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Thank you to our generous donors so far...
The Roty Family
Kristin Ackerman
The Whelan family
The Benzin Family
The Hill Family
Christine Tinnesz
The Pastko Family
Elizabeth Stone
Kathleen Crissey
Melanie Schmidt
Mr & Mrs John Chiarenza
Wells Fargo Advisors
Katie Jay
The O’Connor Family
Zack Fried
The Armstrong Family
The Lauber Family
TxMQ, Inc.
Jesse Clontz
The Margulis Family
The Levy Family
Dorothy Bauch-Barker
Leah Bouquard
Kathy Hussey
Debra Liebowitz & Susana Fried
Patricia Merritt
Talia Berkowitz
Wendy Guyker
Jeni Connors
Badeau Family
The Jankowski Family
Ad Stuff
Copps DiPaola Silverman, PLLC
Ingram Micro
Jewish Children’s Adoption Network
Gregory Wise, Esq.
Emily McDougal
Christina Kuhnhein
Mike and Alison Cheetham
Aronoff family
Freed Maxick CPAs, P.C.
Pavani and Raghu Ram