When Monica* first found out she was pregnant in her senior year of high school, she knew immediately that she wished to consider adoption. Her mother...

When Monica* first found out she was pregnant in her senior year of high school, she knew immediately that she wished to consider adoption. Her mother...
By Michele Fried, Adoption STAR Founder & CEO Marie and Peter were coming up on their two-year mark with the agency. Their home study was already...
Guest Blogger: Steve Harris, Program Director, Radio One Cincinnati and Adult Adoptee When you’ve been raised with your birth-family, you can look i...
Associate Director Michael Hill, As the New York State Project Lead for the Federally-funded Infant Adoption Awareness Training Project (IAATP), I’v...
Guest Blogger Christy Lohner speaks about her domestic second open adoption and how different it was from her much more open first international adopt...
Our Media Specialist Lesa Ferguson found this question on Facebook : “Birth mothers who created adoption plans – How did you know the Adop...
At this year’s Birth Mother Celebration, my job was to take pictures and speak briefly about what open adoption means to me. During Adoption STAR’...
Michael Schopp, an Adoption STAR adoptive father times two and now a Board Member of Adoption STAR wrote these words in 2010 about the surrender revoc...
The new year always brings me a sense of renewed spirit and the opportunity to discover great new experiences in my life. This of course happens with ...
By Michele Fried Years ago, I wrote an article that stemmed from a family conversation about whether things are simply coincidence or fate. I intervie...