Like many of us, we too could not conceive children. We tried infertility treatments and so on, we then looked at adoption. We called a few agencies with unbelievable wait times, and then to our great fortune, we called Adoption STAR. They were brand new with no prior adoptions and I thought maybe this may not work and we just weren’t meant to be parents. Not in my wildest imagination did we think we would be parents in 5 months! She was a beautiful baby girl from a birth mother who just happened to call the agency after giving birth! Michele called us to tell us we have been picked as adoptive parents. It had been a dream and we fully could not believe it until that day we held her in our arms. Life had truly blessed us. Two years later, almost to the day, we received a phone call that the same birth mother had just given birth to a baby boy and she would like us to consider adopting him also! Wow! Today we are raising two beautiful children who are brother & sister and we are a very happy and grateful family. Thank-you Adoption STAR. Dreams REALLY do come true!