Adoption has always been a part of my life as I am an adoptee. The only thing that bothered me was not knowing my birth story. When we decided to adopt that was one stipulation I myself had. I wanted to have the medical history along with a story I could tell my daughter when she asks questions.

My husband and I are having a great journey. After we adopted Isabella I found out I was pregnant. I was scared to tell anyone because I never wanted our daughter to think she was a second choice to having a biological child. The first people I told was the staff at Adoption STAR. Yes, I was nervous because we were still going through process and I did not want anything to change. The staff made us feel very at ease and helped us through. Now as we look at our girls we tell everyone we have the best of both worlds. Each of our girls knows their birth story and can tell it back to us. That was one of the most exciting days when we were in the car and they each told their own story.

My advice to all those adopting or thinking of adopting, follow your heart and know what you want. You must be comfortable with your decision and never turn back and I believe this will help your children be strong and confident.

I hope my story was not boring and may help you in your decision. I recommend Adoption STAR to anyone who is thinking of adopting and encourage them to go to an orientation session to get the information and bring family members who may be skeptical.