After years of waiting, my husband and I received that “phone call” on May 12th— our daughter (Jenna) had been born the previous day! I can’t even explain how we felt at that time – I honestly do not remember what was said or what I did. We decided to surprise Dave’s family but we had to tell my family since my sister was going in the hospital to give birth to my niece and I was to babysit her son. Well, you can imagine what a surprise it was….Dave’s father was the first one we told – he had recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and was going through a bad spot. Needless to say, Jenna was a shining star in his book! 18 months later, Dave’s dad lost his battle with cancer and the family was going through many emotions. It was during this time that our miracle occurred. We received a second call from STAR asking if we would consider adopting our daughter’s sibling. This was an answer to our prayers – it was something we discussed wanting but not sure we could handle another emotional roller coaster. We truly felt this was a gift that we were meant to receive. There are no words or actions that can express what Adoption STAR means to our family – it is because of them that we have been blessed with our two miracles.