Thanks for allowing us to share our Adoption Story with you. Marc and I have been married for over 13 years. When we were first married, we knew it could be a struggle for us to conceive. We tried fertility medication for years and although I was able to become pregnant, I was not able to hold any of the pregnancies. After several heartbreaking miscarriages, we decided adoption was the perfect option for us.

We contacted a local agency in Rochester and after completing the process, a baby girl was placed with us. We were so excited about the thought of raising our baby girl and beginning our family. Sadly, after two weeks of having the baby girl in our home, the birth mom changed her mind. This heartbreak was devastating to our families, but we were committed to adoption and felt we needed to contact another agency. It was at this time we were referred to Adoption STAR and met Michele Fried and her wonderful staff. We instantly knew this was a caring agency that would one day help us begin our family.

During the adoption process, we met many couples eager to begin a family just like us. We continue close relationships with many of these families we met along the way.

After roughly one year, we received a call about the possibility of adopting a 6 week old baby boy. After flying to NYC, we returned home with our son Sean, who would be a part of our family forever. Sean is a beautiful boy and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.

We knew that adopting Sean was a blessing, but hoped and prayed if it was meant to be, we would someday be able to adopt again.

Three years later, and after beginning the process again, we received a call about a second beautiful boy, who was 3 months old. With the help of Adoption STAR, we were blessed once again with our second son, Daniel. Daniel is a joy to all of us and he and Sean are inseparable. Then, after years of trying to conceive, and adopting two beautiful boys, we found out I was pregnant without any medical help, and now have a little girl, Caitlin…GOD sure does work in mysterious ways.

We will be forever grateful to Adoption STAR for our beautiful family.