We always knew that we wanted to have children and were excited when we began our adoption journey one year ago. We were recently blessed with the arrival of our son, Thomas, who was born on March 10, 2010!

We initially enrolled with STAR’s Traditional Agency Adoption Track. However, with the help of a close friend, we were connected with our son’s birth parents, a beautiful couple that truly cared about making a thoughtful plan for their child. We met the couple early in the pregnancy; and we wanted to support them in making a decision that felt right for them: whether it be to parent, to make an adoption plan with us, or to select another family altogether. We recommended that they connect with the birth parent advocates at STAR, who would provide them with their own set of services and resources, which would be apart from ours, something we felt was extremely important.

Adoption STAR’s Agency Assisted Private Track allowed us the benefit of independently developing a relationship with our son’s birth parents, but also providing resources, support, and guidance to everyone involved when needed. Over six months, we were able to develop a wonderful adoption plan with our son’s birth parents. We were active in the birth mother’s medical appointments and were present for our son’s birth… a moment we will cherish forever! We maintain an open relationship with our son’s birth parents; and he will know, from a young age, his adoption story and the special way in which we became a family.

We congratulate STAR. Your warmth and compassion have meant so much to us.