My husband Jason and I had been trying to have a baby. A miscarriage, fertility treatments and then news that our odds were so horribly low that we would ever have a successful pregnancy. After grieving we made the choice to adopt. We had talked about adoption especially since Jason’s family was touched by it from a young age. I will never forget that night. My tears dried and there was hope. Hope that we would have the family that we had dreamed of. We attended Adoption STAR’s orientation. The feeling we got was one of warmth and love. We fell in love with the agency and started attending the meetings with enthusiasm. After we were home study approved we received profile calls that didn’t work out. It was tough to get the news. Then THE call came. I was driving back to work on my lunch and had to pull into a parking lot. A birth mother already saw our book and wanted to meet us! We were beyond thrilled! We set up a meeting and we all clicked. It was like magic. She told us she was having a boy. She told us her hobbies and cravings and her plans for the future. We were officially matched shortly after. We exchanged numbers and she kept us updated on how she was feeling and her dr appointments. She was wonderful! We couldn’t believe how lucky we were to have this opportunity to share in her experience. After her last dr appointment she told us she would be going in to have the baby and that we could come and be with her at the hospital. What a gift. We were that with her family to support her. It was a long labor and she was amazing. Her strength was beyond measure. When the baby was born we heard the lullaby playing in the hallway. Jason and I were able to see her and the baby when she was ready. She handed him to me. Tears streamed down my face. He was the most beautiful baby boy! She let us have hospital bracelets so we could have full access to him. I cried as the nurse put it on my wrist. We were the ones to give him his first feeding and we watched as the nurse gave him his first bath. He was so sweet and perfect as the nurse took our first family picture. He grasped our fingers and stole our hearts! We didn’t have a room so we were shown to the family area on that floor. We held him for hours just marveling at this little miracle that was in our arms. We visited with his birth mom at the hospital and she told us she was happy for us. She told us that we deserved the perfect baby. She is such an amazing woman. We think about her every day. We talk about her often. She came to our home to visit with us and little Charlie. She told us she knew from seeing us in our profile book that we were the ones. It was meant to be. Adoption STAR brought us together. We will forever be grateful for their guidance in helping us make the most important & wonderful decision of our lives!