It was 2002 when my husband and I first made the decision to adopt. We knew almost immediately that we would one day bring a child into our home through adoption. However, the questions of how and where and when remained until we sat in a tiny office on Niagara Falls Blvd and met with a case worker from a relatively new local adoption agency, called Adoption STAR. We knew instantly that this agency was different from the others we had researched. We felt strongly about their practices and philosophy and immediately took a huge leap of faith and registered.

Adoption grew my family.

Since that time, we have welcomed three of the most charming and beautiful children into our home and their stories are just as unique as their personalities. Besides the obvious, of being a busy mom to three active children, I see all the subtle ways that adoption has touched our every day lives.

Adoption grew my faith.

Adoption is an unpredictable journey fraught with risks. As hopeful parents, we put our trust, and our future, in the hands of an organization and in individuals. Sometimes we put our trust in the universe, that through divine orchestration, the child destined for us will somehow find us. Others, like myself, also hold onto our faith. That deep belief that there is a plan for our lives. There were many times when we couldn’t see far enough around the corner to know what the future would hold. But we always had hope and trust- in our faith, in the process and in Adoption STAR.

Adoption grew my circle of friends.

All I have to do is pick up my phone and scroll through messages to see that adoption has had the single largest impact on my circle of friends. Over time, we gravitate towards like-minded individuals. Those in similar circumstances, or who can relate by shared experiences. This is so evident in my circle of friends. These men and women “just get it”.

Adoption grew my perspective.

In order to fully appreciate the act of adoption, we must first look at what predicated it. My children lost the families to which they were born into. That loss is real and it’s big. Focusing only on the joy to which they bring me, is only half of the story. Adoption has caused me look and feel beyond myself.

Adoption grew my world view.

Being a parent to children outside my race has forced me to face issues I probably would not have otherwise considered. To more closely examine my beliefs and my biases. It continually reminds me to step outside of my box and consider other ways of life.

When I think back on life before adoption, I see a different life and a different person. Adoption not only touched my life, but changed and shaped every aspect of it. I have grown to the person that I am today because of adoption.