Adoption STAR Book Club: “Born In Our Hearts”

I hope everyone enjoyed our first book club book “Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother.” The next book we will be reading is “Born In Our Hearts,” by Filis Casey and Maris Catalina Casey. “Born In Our Hearts” is a compilation of stories from the perspectives of birth parents, adoptive parents and adult adoptees.

While the book is 307 pages, it should be an easy read because most of the stories are between 5-10 pages.

We will be checking in on Facebook on Friday September 16 with our thoughts on the book. I will create a thread on the Adoption STAR Facebook wall that day where everyone can leave their thoughts and hopefully we can have conversations on which stories were most relatable to each of us.

Here is what had to say about “Born in Our Hearts”

Amazon: “A heartwarming collection of true stories that weave a rich tapestry of the adoption experience from many different perspectives: birthmothers, adoptive parents and grandparents, and adopted children and adults. These inspiring stories reveal the challenges and joys of the lifelong adoption journey including: the pain of letting go of a child; the wonderment of meeting “your” perfect child halfway around the world; the challenges of adopting an older child already set in his ways; watching a child’s potential flourish in a loving environment; sibling rivalry and eventual bonding; integrating a child’s culture into a new multiracial family; finding peace in the search for identity, roots and unanswered questions; and feeling the happiness and love that comes from forming a family.”

If you would like to be a part of the discussion for this book, please email Alex at so we can keep track of who is reading the book this month. Thank you!