Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery promotes the upcoming workshop at the Adoption STAR office – Become an Advocate for Your Child’s Education. She introduces the panel following the description of this event.
As a new school year approaches many parents are out purchasing school supplies, making sure the perfect backpack is picked out and are reading books about the first day of school to help their child get familiar or reacquainted with this school thing. However, for some parents, back to school time might be filled with anxiety and an overwhelming uncertainty of how their child will perform this year.
Post-institutionalized children in particular are at a high risk for school related difficulties. Developmental delays, language and learning disabilities are common in such children. Post Adoption research indicates that a developing child’s progress is directly proportional to factors such as health, nutrition and prenatal care, length of term and birth weight, availability of dependable primary caretaker and nurture after birth, the level of physical stimulation, emotional interaction and language exposure during the first critical and formative years. These parents might be starting to wonder if there is a book that will prepare them for what this upcoming year might have in store for their child and how they can help their child to be successful.
One of the biggest predictors of academic success is parent involvement. It begins with embracing the role of parent advocate and tackling the most daunting question – where do I start?
Behavioral Specialist, Stephanie Gallson at The Aspire Center for Learning in Buffalo, NY says that you can make yourself present in your child’s education by
- Attending meetings with teachers
- Regular communication with your child’s teacher or service provider
- Investing the time and effort in learning when and how skills are being taught to your child so the skills can be generalized
Ms. Gallson stresses that concerns cannot be addressed if they are not shared.
Parents need to express their concerns, ask what services are available in their community and ask for services for their child.
Unfortunately, services are often difficult to obtain and this advocacy thing becomes a full time job. Parents can help themselves to be a strong advocate, by being informed, involved and persistent advocates on behalf of their children. A parent advocate is their child’s biggest support, their most relentless backer, demanding what they cannot. Understanding what your child needs early and being proactive in obtaining services may save them and you a lot of stress.
Traveling the adoption road, parents learn that realistic expectations are critical in terms of overall satisfaction. School systems may not have the same foundation that parents do. Fundamental tools are developed during the early years of life, even before children attend school. Since the majority of children in school have not experienced grief, loss and trauma, we cannot expect that the teachers and administration understand the needs of a child who has. As parents, you become the professional.
So, you need to start thinking about your vision for your child’s future.
To get started: Get a comprehensive evaluation. The difficulties children face can be complex and at times confusing. A full assessment is more likely to end in an accurate diagnosis. Effective treatment is dependent on this information.
Identify who is on your team. Other professionals, such as doctors, teachers, social workers and therapists, are there to support you and forming allies will help you to be a good advocate. You are not in this alone.
Educate yourself on IDEA, other education related laws and the resources available in your community.
Unconditional love is a powerful motivator. Emotions may guide the parent advocate, but information and support will be the key to having a level-headed approach and communication. Involvement in parent support groups will help an advocate to calm and learn different techniques for navigating the school system.
As a parent your child is counting on you to learn your rights and how you can effectively advocate for them to receive the education they need and deserve. Remember you know your child best, her strengths and needs, likes and dislikes, your opinion is meaningful and should be considered. While it might be true that the “squeaky wheel gets the grease, as a parent advocate how you squeak will determine how much grease you get”.
Adoption STAR is offering a workshop this fall to help families wanting to learn more about how to be present in their child’s education and how to best advocate for them within the school system.
Join us September 11, 2013 at 6:30pm in our Amherst office – 131 John Muir Dr.
The Panel of Experts for Become an Advocate for Your Child’s Education

Kathy Cores, MSW, LCSW
Kathy Cores is our facilitator for the evening. For many years Kathy has worked as a school social worker for the Buffalo Public Schools. Since the agency’s inception Kathy has been working with adoptive parents conducting home studies and post placement visits. Kathy also mentors graduate student interns who work with the agency. She enjoys working with Adoption STAR clients and says that “working with adoptive parents and seeing them with their new children is heartwarming and makes me feel that I am involved in a very worthwhile endeavor”.

Christine Gray Tinnesz, Ph.D
Christine Gray Tinnesz is currently the President of the Board at Adoption STAR. She and her husband, Dylan, came to Adoption STAR 10 years ago where they adopted two beautiful girls, Ellie and Casey and helped create their “forever family.” Christine teaches at Medaille College and Buffalo State College in their Schools of Education. She has conducted workshops on various educational issues throughout the United States and presented at numerous conferences nationally and internationally.

Jen Huber
Jen Huber, has been an Educator in various facets for 14 years. She has four certifications including SBL, is a former district support and educational consultant. Currently, she works in urban school reform through Johns Hopkins. Additionally, she is a board chair of a not-for-profit organization that works with the Buffalo’s neediest families. Jen is the adoptive mom to Daniel, a child with multiple disabilities in a 6:1:1.
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