When you register with Adoption STAR, you will be assigned a social worker that is referred to as a Family Advocate. Each of our Family Advocates has a master’s degree in social work. In addition to your assigned Family Advocate, there is a group of adoption professionals within the Adoptive Parent Department, known as your Adoptive Parent Team.

Your Family Advocate and her coworkers will assist you with paper work and home study preparation, keeping you informed of the progress of your file. They will also help you develop a support network with other adoptive families and encourage you to educate yourselves about adoption and parenting, as well as stay up to date on adoption issues during your waiting time. You will need to take an active role in this as well.
The Agency staff will communicate with you as we receive information on your case. Please understand that because of the nature of the process, there may be times when you will hear from us regularly, and there may be times when there is no new information. Because of the number of families we are assisting, and our other program responsibilities, we cannot always call when there is no new information. We encourage you to call us when you have questions or because you wish to talk. If we are not available, we will return your call as soon as possible.
Many of our employees are touched by adoption themselves, veterans of many varied adoption experiences. We hope to make your adoption experience a good one, as much as that is within our control.