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Adoption Forum: Getting Your Family Involved in Your Adoption Journey

This class is for our clients who have finished the pre-parenthood or ANCHOR classesWe welcome you to extend the invitation to one or more family member and/or friends to learn more about adoption. Now the important people in your life will be introduced to many of the subjects you have already learned about! A panel […]

A-OK Q&A Sessions

Exploring adoption of older childrenThose interested in Adoption STAR’s A-OK Program, as well as those exploring adoption of older children can ask all questions relating to older child adoption. The Q&A is an informal opportunity to gain answers to everything you are wondering about as it relates to children being placed from foster care.After registering […]

Race and Racism Through The Voices of Transracial Adoptees

Zack Fried will lead an interactive conversation amongst a panel of transracial adoptees.Zack Fried will lead an interactive conversation amongst a panel of transracial adoptees and attendees, focusing on the topic of navigating race and racism. Growing up within a transracial adoption comes with its own complexities, and those extend into adulthood when we take […]

Birth Parent Holiday Party

Adoption STAR 131 John Muir Drive, Amherst, NY, United States

This event is for Adoption STAR birth parents who may or may not be parenting other children. All birth parents and children in attendance will receive gifts from Santa.

Attachment-Focused Crisis Deescalation With A-OK Family Advocates

This webinar will focus on crisis management for families who are caring for youth with extensive trauma histories and disrupted attachmentsThis training will provide the framework for how we heal through relationships and how we can best respond to a dysregulated child in a nurturing way that doesn’t jeopardize their attachment and trust. Practical techniques […]

Private Track Training


For clients of Adoption STAR who are currently in the Private Track Program Adoption STAR’s Agency Assisted Private Adoption Program, often referred to as “Private Track,” provides increased opportunities to adopt an infant. This creative and flexible program will teach you how to advertise yourself with the training, guidance, and support of the agency. With […]

Adoption STAR Online Adoption Information Session

Building Families Through AdoptionBecome introduced the Adoption STAR agency and the agency’s policies and procedures, including the many services and programs we offer.After registering for this information session you will receive instructions on how to join the online event.Contact Adoption STAR at 866-691-3300 or via email at or visit our website for additional information […]

Adoption STAR Online Adoption Information Session

Building Families Through AdoptionBecome introduced to Adoption STAR’s A-OK (Adopt an Older Kid) program and the policies, procedures, and services offered to clients interested in adopting an older child.After registering for this information session you will receive instructions on how to join the online event.Contact Adoption STAR at 866-691-3300 or via email at or […]

A-OK Q&A Sessions

Exploring adoption of older childrenThose interested in Adoption STAR’s A-OK Program, as well as those exploring adoption of older children can ask all questions relating to older child adoption. The Q&A is an informal opportunity to gain answers to everything you are wondering about as it relates to children being placed from foster care.After registering […]

A-OK Q&A Sessions

Exploring adoption of older childrenThose interested in Adoption STAR’s A-OK Program, as well as those exploring adoption of older children can ask all questions relating to older child adoption. The Q&A is an informal opportunity to gain answers to everything you are wondering about as it relates to children being placed from foster care.After registering […]