For Healthcare and Helping Professionals – Pregnancy Options Counseling

1choices-300x214Spaulding For Children, a non-profit, child welfare organization in suburban Detroit, Michigan, authored an exceptional document that outlines legal and ethical considerations for health care professionals in pregnancy counseling and adoption. Here’s an excerpt from the piece that we think has special value for doctors, nurses, social workers, nurse midwives and others who interact with women in the midst of an unexpected/unintended pregnancy:

“Providing pregnancy options information will be difficult because of realistic time constraints, but it can be particularly challenging in circumstances where there are significant conflicts within a family or other conflicting factors, such as differences in the helper’s and patient/client’s values, cultural beliefs, and/or socio-economic background. Nonetheless, most healthcare professionals will take the time and care to provide necessary information and referral because they know how important their actions may be to their patient/client’s future. Health care professionals can maximize their effectiveness in providing information on pregnancy options and resources when they:

  • Understand and demonstrate compassion for a patient/client’s unique situation.
  • Operate within the ethics and values of their profession, consistent with the policies and mission of their health care settings.
  • Provide information and support for patient/clients to be effective advocates for themselves.
  • Develop a resource bank of quality, responsive and ethical referral sources.
  • Make referrals that are responsive to a patient/client’s needs and preferences, including culture, race, religion, ethnicity, and/or language.”

Adoption STAR is proud to serve as the adoption resource of choice for countless healthcare/helping professionals, hospitals, health clinics, and others. If you’re not thoroughly “in the know” about Adoption STAR and all that we offer, please contact us at 716-639-3900 for more information about us and our services.