In the news, there have been numerous incidents were hopeful adoptive parents have been scammed by ads online. In today’s blog post, we explore how to use social media lawfully and effectively.
There are pros and cons to social media and adoption. The cons of such advertising come in the form of abusing the Internet and the vulnerability of those hoping to adopt.
Once in a while a post might pop up on websites claiming a woman has a baby she wants to place for adoption for a fee. In the past these have appeared on Facebook, Craigslist and some adoption forum sites, etc. Typically once identified these types of posts are immediately deleted by the site administrators, but it is also important to report such posts to law enforcement. Sometimes the poster has no baby or is not pregnant and other times there is a baby or a pregnancy BUT either way it is illegal and most often simply a scam. Sometimes scams like these go very far, getting very real people who are hoping to adopt emotionally involved and in some cases, financially involved.
Important pieces of advice:
- Do not send money to a stranger.
- Do not engage in responding to online adoption advertising unless you are working with a reputable adoption agency or attorney.
- Be sure that your adoption agency / attorney is able to check out the scenario you are sharing. Consider simply walking away just because it doesn’t feel right.
While the Internet today is a viable way to make connections between prospective adoptive parents and expectant mothers (birth mothers), you must not allow yourself to get involved in a situation that may be unethical or illegal.
For more information on how to be safe on the Internet especially during your adoption journey, click here to receive a copy of the Adoption STAR Social Media E-Book.
For tips on how to have healthy communication via social media, click here to read an article written by Adoption STAR’s CEO and Founder Michele Fried.

- The Right and the Fight for Open Records for Adoptees
- Redefining What Makes a Parent
- Chinese Orphans and the One Child Per Family Law
- Florida Foster Care Bill Passed
- Adoption Laws in Your State
Read more about adoption law:
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