Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery discusses how the particulars of a culture can inspire those seeking to adopt internationally ...

Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery discusses how the particulars of a culture can inspire those seeking to adopt internationally ...
Adoption STAR Founder & CEO Michele Fried Discrimination: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especi...
Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery discusses the post adoption period and the challenges of the initial period of bonding. Someti...
By Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery It is common for children who have been adopted (in particular at an older age and through ...
To even begin to understand the reality of attachment and bonding we need to know what these terms mean. Attachment: Attachment is a tie between two p...
Associate Director Michael Hill, As the New York State Project Lead for the Federally-funded Infant Adoption Awareness Training Project (IAATP), I’v...
Guest Blogger Christy Lohner speaks about her domestic second open adoption and how different it was from her much more open first international adopt...
The Taste of Diversity is an annual Buffalo-based festival that may be of interest to many Adoption STAR families, especially those that are multi-cul...
By Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery Being realistic… This is a hurry up and wait kind of game. You control what you can at th...
Lynda is an Adoption STAR adoptive mom in the Western New York area. Currently she and her family are a foster family in the county they live in and a...