Two time STAR Adoptive Dad and Tax Expert Jason Tuff – “Like” him on facebook: – outlines tax credi...

Two time STAR Adoptive Dad and Tax Expert Jason Tuff – “Like” him on facebook: – outlines tax credi...
Two time STAR Adoptive Dad and Tax Expert Jason Tuff – “Like” him on facebook: – outlines tax credi...
Do Your Part to Help Save The Adoption Tax Credit Adoption STAR is part of a working group to save the adoption tax credit, which is due to expire Dec...
On Friday, Adoption STAR received promising news on the extension of the adoption tax credit. As of now, the adoption tax credit is scheduled to concl...
Adoption STAR has written many times that the current incarnation of the Adoption Tax Credit will expire in December 2012. Currently, families that fi...
We recently touched on the changes to the 2012 adoption tax credit in our blog post on the “Top Adoption Stories of 2011,” and here is a p...