The Hysterectomy

By Michele Fried, Adoption STAR Founder & CEO

Michele Fried

I bet you felt lonely as you waited in bed
It’s better for your health I’m sure they all said

As you cried alone in the hospital room
Did you rest your hands upon your empty womb?

You always hoped to birth a little one
You had dreams and plans, but then they were gone

You felt ashamed avoiding the day’s light
But the pain felt never ending each night

Forgive yourself for crying about a dream you had long ago
To experience the birth of a baby that you would love so

Little did you know then what you know right now
To walk a new path – you would need to learn how

You may not recall the exact moment you began your new day
But I know you did come to realize new dreams can come your way

You realize now that life is part laughter, part smiles, part tears
There’s good and bad, happy and sad, that take us through our years

The finality of your fertility may sometimes return
But your ultimate triumph, reaching motherhood will proudly burn

Because of adoption you will hear laughter
A reminder that life is forever after

Read More on What is Happening at Adoption STAR: Our Calendar of Events for 2013