Adoption and Family Life Post-Placement

Adoption STAR MSW Intern Kaitlin Incorvia writes her final blog post for us, and it focuses on suggestions and resources for adoptive families post-placement.

kaitlin_adultNOTE – Everyone here at Adoption STAR wants to say a huge “THANK YOU” to Kaitlin for interning with us as a part of her MSW program at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Kaitlin has been a tremendous help here at the agency and should be congratulated for really immersing herself in all things related to adoption. We will undoubtedly miss her, but wish her well as she prepares to graduate and begin her career in the field of social work.

After surviving the wait, receiving placement, and finalizing your adoption, adoption itself may no longer be so “top of mind” for you! Adoption, however, is a lifelong event. At Adoption STAR, we recognize the value of education and encourage you to stay connected with the agency and ultimately keep adoption relevant in your life post placement and throughout your family’s life! So you may be wondering how you can keep adoption current in the life of your family…here are some ideas:

  1. Attend SOFIA and Family STAR Events – This is the link to find out when the next event is: Our 2015 Calendar
  2. Get comfortable with talking to your child about adoption/sharing their adoption story, and practice, practice, practice!
  3. Create a Life Book with your child. Here are two links for more information on Life Books: Lifebooks: Tell Your Child’s Adoption Story, Adoption Scrapbooks Made Easy
  4. Involve your child in writing letters to their Birth Parent(s)
  5. Rent movies with adoption themes and talk about it after! You can do this with books too! ☺
  6. Contact your local library and ask them to feature adoption themed books during story times or throughout National Adoption Month (November)
  7. Sign up for the Adoption STAR blog or other Adoption Newsletters from on-line or print adoptive parent resources (Bonus: look for adoption news written by adoptees)
  8. Attend the Making Connections Adoptive Family Support Group @ Adoption STAR on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm. Contact for more information!
  9. Casually bring adoption into conversation with your child, friends, & family!
  10. Connect with other Adoptive Parents through the agency and then maintain that relationship in the community!
  11. Research local support groups in your community
  12. Put “Adoption” on your Google alerts and get notified anytime adoption comes up in the news
  13. Join a Facebook Group of families that have adopted through Adoption STAR
  14. Have a Picture of your child(ren)’s Birth Parents up in your house. This will spur conversation and remind you of their presence in your lives.
  15. Attend Adoption Conferences and workshops when you can

Do any of these things interest you? Want more information on any of these ideas? Feel free to contact us! Email: Call: 716-639-3030