Adoption Poetry: Waiting For the Call

This adoption poem was written by an unknown adoptive father about waiting to find out if he and his wife had been selected to adopt two young boys. If you have a favorite adoption poem, or would like to write your own poem about the adoption journey, please email it to

When they call, they’ll say,

“We have their study for you to review.”

But what I’ll hear, if I can hear anything, will be,

“You have two sons.”

It will be a new birthday.

It will be Christmas in the Springtime.

It will be all joy and thanksgiving and wonder.

“You have two sons. You have two new sons.”

Never have happier words been spoken to me.

My heart has carried you for months and now you are here.

Today you’ve never heard my name,

Tomorrow you will share it.

Today you’ve never seen my face.

Tomorrow it will smile on you.

Today you’ve never known the warmth and security of my home.

Tomorrow it, and myself, and all I have will be yours.

For you will both be ours and we will be yours–forever.