Keep in perspective that deciding on adoption is a courageous, difficult choice and some birth parents will struggle with their decision to make an ad...

Keep in perspective that deciding on adoption is a courageous, difficult choice and some birth parents will struggle with their decision to make an ad...
We submitted our questions to the Department of State and USCIS and now they, along with COA, will give us answers and information at a Free UAA Updat...
Starting July 14, 2014, any agency or person providing adoption services in intercountry adoption cases involving orphan children will need to be accr...
On March 3rd of this year, we published a blog post that talked about how Adoption STAR and several same-sex married parents had filed a lawsuit again...
A new law was signed by the state’s governor, John Kasich in December 2013 allowing those adopted between January 1964 and September 1996 to obtain ...
Adoption STAR has a main office in Erie County. So we thought it would be nice to provide a report on how our county is doing regarding facilitating a...
On February 26th 2014, David Camp, chair of the Ways and Means Committee, released his much anticipated tax reform proposal and it proposes eliminatin...
The lawsuit, presented in Cincinnati, Ohio on February 10, 2014, seeks a federal court order requiring Ohio to place the names of both married same-se...
In anticipation of Our Shining STAR Event, we are featuring a weekly blog series on Special Needs Adoption. On Wednesday January 29th, 2014, Adoption ...
In the news, there have been numerous incidents were hopeful adoptive parents have been scammed by ads online. In today’s blog post, we explore ...