On Thursday March 14 (2013) from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Kathleen Crissey, MS, LMHC will be facilitating an Infertility Workshop at Adoption STAR. In par...

On Thursday March 14 (2013) from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Kathleen Crissey, MS, LMHC will be facilitating an Infertility Workshop at Adoption STAR. In par...
To commemorate Black History month, I asked Ellen Herman, Professor of History, at the University of Oregon if we could use the content on her website...
A regular contributor to our Social Media and STAR Mom, Alyssa Howe writes about becoming unexpectedly pregnant after the adoption of her first child....
Our new Media Specialist Lesa Ferguson asks for Adoption Stories In my senior year of high school, the drama department put on a mime show. Our drama ...
Michael Schopp, an Adoption STAR adoptive father times two and now a Board Member of Adoption STAR wrote these words in 2010 about the surrender revoc...
Last week, the agency received a call that a birth mother had decided to revoke an adoption and parent her child. Our CEO and Founder Michele Fried wr...