The Dark Matter of Love is a new documentary telling the story of three Russian children who were adopted into American families prior to the ban on a...

The Dark Matter of Love is a new documentary telling the story of three Russian children who were adopted into American families prior to the ban on a...
By Our International Adoption Coordinator Megan Montgomery Being realistic… This is a hurry up and wait kind of game. You control what you can at th...
By Michele Fried, Adoption STAR Founder & CEO There are so many reasons why I love to come to work and one reason is simply the beautiful faces a...
Adoption STAR’s long standing belief is that all children must have a permanent family. It would be wonderful if the family you went home with after...
By Michele Fried, Adoption STAR Founder & CEO I feel it is important to stay up to date on current topics in the news related to adoption and all...
Adoption STAR prides itself on having an incredibly diverse group of adoptive families, and we’d like to encourage these very families to consid...
Summer is Coming… You might be bracing yourself for another transition for your kiddo. So, as much as you are looking forward to the long summer...
Many going through the adoption process assume that, once their Home Study is complete, their adoption journey will follow a predictable course. Turn ...
Private or independent adoption is most often thought of as an arrangement made without an adoption agency. It typically involves initial contacts mad...
In honor of “National Military Appreciation Month” we are reposting Christian’s Story from January 7, 2013....