Minnesota Supreme Court issues ruling in controversial foster care adoption case....

Minnesota Supreme Court issues ruling in controversial foster care adoption case....
By the Staff of Adoption STAR The agency’s most important daily job is to find families for children. Even though this is often stated, it is probab...
There are more than 400,000 children presently in out-of-home care in the United States. Almost half of these children are Black. Many Black children ...
Guest Blogger, Zenobia, Age 13....
At this year’s Birth Mother Celebration, my job was to take pictures and speak briefly about what open adoption means to me. During Adoption STAR’...
If you can’t view this video on our page, click here...
A photographer and University of Iowa student chronicled her journey all the way from conception through delivery in this beautiful story of an expect...
Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, who were the teens featured in 16 and Pregnant an MTV show, are now 21 and have been together almost nine years, ...
Last year Adoption STAR reported on the case of Polo tycoon John Goodman who adopted his girlfriend. The Florida case burst into the media with allega...
Adoption STAR is always looking for submissions for our e-newsletter and blog. What are we looking for? The focus is on adoption, parenting, adoption ...