Duck Dynasty is “an American reality television series on A&E. It shows the lives of the Robertson family, who became wealthy from their family-operated business, Duck Commander, operated in West Monroe, Louisiana, which makes products for duck hunters, primarily the duck call named Duck Commander.” (Wikipedia) In today’s blog post, we show how Roberston family has been touched by adoption.
Before “Duck Dynasty” captured the hearts of television viewing families, Willie Robertson and wife Korie, were just a young couple with a desire to start a family of their own. Five children later, the Robertson clan is one of America’s favorite families.

As a man who strongly believes in faith and family, Willie Robertson’s story of adoption and the fact that two of their children were adopted was featured with the hope to educate others on adoption.
Robertson said that he agreed to publicize the story because there is so much fear surrounding adoption. Many children who enter the state’s care eventually become available for adoption. However, one of the biggest fears of foster parents looking to adopt is becoming attached to a child only to have the child returned to their birth family.

Once a child is removed from a home, the state works with parents or guardians while the child remains in foster care. If the state terminates the parents’ or guardians’ rights, the child becomes available for adoption.
Robertson said the joy of bettering a child’s life far outweighs any fear associated with fostering and adoption.

“There’s something wonderful about watching a child grow up, not knowing the situation he would have been in. He could have ended up in another home and ended up different. I know where he is now and I know what he’s taught. I know the opportunities he has. All I know is we changed at least one child’s life,” he said.
Read More about Celebrity Adoptions: Mariska Hargitay Adopts for the Second Time, Denise Richards: Adopting as a Single Mother, Celebrity Adoptive Parents, Celebrity Domestic Adoptions, NFL Pro Bowler Adopts Three Children from Uganda, Celebrity Adoptions
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