Parenting your Teen/Tween

Judy M. Miller is a mother of four children, three of whom were adopted, and she has made a career writing about parenting your adopted children in their teen/tween years. She also teaches a six-week online class about the same topic.

Miller recently did an interview with Christina Katz at the Writers Workout Coach website, and gives some useful advice for parents of children of any age.

In the interview Miller said that “Asking for help doesn’t imply that parents are failing; it often means they and/or their children need assistance – perhaps with new or different parenting tools or a different lens through which they can observe what is happening.”

When speaking specifically about parenting teens who were adopted, Miller said that “Parenting tweens and teens who have been adopted can be more challenging because these kids often have emotional issues tied to adoption. Adoptive parents need to provide guidance, support, and understanding of what can be complex layers.”

It’s always important to remember that the adoption journey is lifelong, and it’s perfectly OK to ask for help along the way. Adoption STAR offers support groups for all members of the adoption journey, as well as educational classes on different adoption topics. If you have a specific question you can contact your Adoption STAR family advocate, or email the agency directly