70 percent of the students at the school quality for free or reduced lunches and 3 percent of the students are homeless. “These are kids whose parents show up for parent-teacher conferences and events. These are parents who are trying their very best,” says Sara. In the hopes of finding the funding from a few friends and family to pay off the school’s lunch account debt, Sara turned to Facebook. “I want to pay off this debt so that these kids can come back to a warm lunch for the rest of the year,” she writes. “I wish I could afford to just do it myself, but I cannot. I’d like to start a crowd sourcing account for this project.” On January 3rd, Sara launched a YouCaring Fundraiser page and met her goal of $400 in just one hour. As of January 5th, over $1,000 had been raised. But she isn’t stopping there. In partnership with #UniteCloud, Sara plans to use all funds exceeding the original $400 goal to wipe lunch account debt clean throughout other schools within the district. To support Sara’s efforts by donating, visit https://www.youcaring.com/studentsatmadisonelementary-728900 Go, Sara!]]>
Past Adoption STAR Employee Spearheads Effort to Wipe School Lunch Debt Clean