It was the night before my wedding and everything was planned down to the finest of details. As I was talking to the wedding coordinator at rehearsal ...

It was the night before my wedding and everything was planned down to the finest of details. As I was talking to the wedding coordinator at rehearsal ...
Folks that regularly read our agency’s monthly e-newsletter may have caught a series of brief book summaries recently written by Chris Fancher. One ...
For the whole of 2014, Adoption STAR staff is going to be viewing adoption-themed clips from various television shows and films once per month at a st...
Camp in your backyard. Dust off your tent or borrow one and set it up in your backyard for an overnight excursion. Cook camp food for your dinner on t...
Question: We hope to adopt our foster child who is African American. I am concerned about what he may face in the world. Was wondering what some of yo...
In September 2000, I wrote letters in support of Open Records throughout New York State. Fourteen years later we still wait. However, there is recent ...
June is LGBT Pride Month! We thought we’d share some of our favorite LGBT-related resources via the links below. We hope they prove to be helpful…...
Feelings you may be experiencing now: Relief: You are matched. Fear: Perhaps you have been matched before and it did not lead to a placement. Our advi...
The following write-up was included in materials that accompanied the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Funded Infant Adoption Awareness Tr...
As per the National Safety Council’s website, “Each June, the National Safety Council celebrates National Safety Month. The 2014 National Safety M...