As a fun way to explore our new website, we’re going to play the He Said/She Said game. We’re going to give you a quote along with some hints, guess who said it and then click on the plus sign to see if you are right. Happy Trivia Day.
[toggle title=”What famous actor and adoptive parent said, One came from Ethiopia, one from Vietnam, one from Cambodia, and one was born in Namibia. And they are brothers and sisters, and they have fun and they squabble and they fight, just like any other family. And it makes me so proud…?” open=”no”]

Brad Pitt
Producer and Actor
They’re as much my blood as I am theirs. And they are brothers and sisters. One came from Ethiopia, one from Vietnam, one from Cambodia, and one was born in Namibia. And they are brothers and sisters, and they have fun and they squabble and they fight, just like any other family. And it makes me so proud.
[toggle title=”Which birth mother and star of the new series Orange is the New Black had her pregnancy worked into the story line of of the soap opera Ryan’s Hope ?” open=”no”]

Kate Mulgrew
While acting on the soap opera Ryan’s Hope, Kate Muligrew became pregnant. Her pregnancy was written into the show. She gave birth and placed her baby for adoption. Mulgrew and her daughter were reunited in 2001. (The Stir)
[toggle title=”What stand did adoptee and fast food chain owner take on gay, interracial and single parent adoption?” open=”no”]

Dave Thomas
Entrepreneur, Founder of Wendy’s
People ask me: ‘What about gay adoptions? Interracial? Single Parent?’ I say: ‘Hey fine, as long as it works for the child and the family is responsible.’ My big stand is this: Every child deserves a home and love. Period.
[toggle title=”Which popular blogger on adoption, who once said said, There is NO perfect adoption., just got a show on HGTV about her family?” open=”no”]

Jen Hatmaker
Get your “YES” straight at the very beginning. Decide on it. Roll around in it. Put it on the table and shellack it. Because you cannot let every delay and snag derail your certainty about adoption. When you say YES, you are saying YES to enter the suffering of the orphan, and that suffering includes WAITING FOR YOU TO GET TO THEM. I promise you, their suffering is worse than yours. We say YES to the tears, YES to the longing, YES to the maddening process, YES to the money, YES to hope, YES to the screaming frustration of it all, YES to going the distance through every unforeseen discouragement and delay. Do not imagine that something outside of “your perfect plan” means you heard God wrong. There is NO perfect adoption. EVERY adoption has snags. We Americans invented the “show me a sign” or “this is a sign” or “this must mean God is closing a door” or “God must not be in this because it is hard,” but all that is garbage. You know what’s hard? Being an orphan. They need us to be champions and heroes for them, fighting like hell to get them home. So we will. We may cry and rage and scream and wail in the process, but get them home we will.
[toggle title=”Which birth mother and folk singer wrote Little Green as a secret love song to her daughter?” open=”no”]

Joni Mitchell
Folk Singer
“‘In the autumn of 1964, Joni Mitchell discovered that she was pregnant. She later wrote, ‘[he] left me three months pregnant in an attic room with no money and winter coming on and only a fireplace for heat. The spindles of the banister were gap-toothed fuel for last winter’s occupants’…Unable to provide for her baby, she placed her daughter for adoption”. Throughout her career she has made allusions to the adoption in songs such as Little Green when she sang about a girl, “Born with the moon in Cancer”. She and her daughter were reunited in 2001. (wikipedia)
[toggle title=”Which County Western Singer has been outspoken about her birth mother saying, I know she must have had a lot of love for me to want to give me what she felt was a better chance.?” open=”no”]

Faith Hill
Country Singer
I have a lot of respect for my birth mother… I know she must have had a lot of love for me to want to give what she felt was a better chance
[toggle title=”Which actress and single parent adoptive mom who adopted her daughter from China feels that although the match was done through a lottery that there was nothing random about their match?” open=”no”]

Meg Ryan
I am convinced, completely convinced, that there was nothing random about [the adoption], she is the daughter I should have.
[toggle title=”Which birth mom upon being reunited with the daughter she placed for adoption gave her a job on her hit TV show?” open=”no”]

Roseanne Barr
Comedian, Talk Show Host, Actor
At 16, Roseanne Barr was hit by a car that left her with a traumatic brain injury. She dropped out of high school and was institutionalized for eight months. At 17, she gave birth to Brandi Brown. Brandi Brown and Roseanne Barr were reunited and Brandi worked on her mom’s TV show in the ’90s. (wikipedia)
[toggle title=”Which Wicked actress, singer and adoptee credits her success to both her adoptive parents’ and birth mother’s willingness to put the needs of their child first?” open=”no”]

Kristin Chenoweth
Broadway/Television Actress and Singer
It also bugs me when I hear about “Angelina’s adopted son” or “Rosie’s adopted children”–as if that word will always separate them instead of binding them together. Angelina’s son and Rosie’s kids and I should get a regular apostrophe-plus-s like everybody else.
See Our Famous Adoptees, Parents, and Birth Parents pages:
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