This is a big weekend for fathers and birth fathers everywhere, as we all celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday. This week we will be sharing stories fro...

This is a big weekend for fathers and birth fathers everywhere, as we all celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday. This week we will be sharing stories fro...
Despite individual state laws and regulations that make it more difficult for gay and lesbian couples to adopt, only Utah and Mississippi prohibit gay...
For those who have not seen our new staff bio pages, we have recently added introduction videos for the staff members. I’d like to take the opportun...
Adoption In The News: The Perfect Child This article in the Charlotte Observer is about a family who adopted their “perfect child,” a three-year-o...
OK Everyone, for the answers to the 5-question adoption quiz from earlier today. Have a great weekend! 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A...
Yesterday I wrote about my day at the Infant Adoption Awareness Training Program (IAATP), and how I had to take a test at the beginning and end of cla...
Single-parenthood has become more accepted in recent decades, and according to this article in SecondAct, single-parent adoption has also increased in...
Recently I spoke with two birth mothers, Aubrey and Erin, about adoption profile books and what made them choose the family that they ended up choosin...
When you’re a kid in elementary or middle school, you just want to get to high school. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel when you’re ...
Today’s positive adoption term is “was adopted” and its counterpart is “is adopted.” At Adoption STAR we believe that once you have adopted ...