We recently published our official recommendations on how to handle social media as it relates to adoption as a birth parent or adoptive parent http:/...

We recently published our official recommendations on how to handle social media as it relates to adoption as a birth parent or adoptive parent http:/...
New York Democratic Assemblyman David Weprin (D-24th A.D.) is sponsoring legislation concerning his “Bill of Adoptee Rights” (A.2003) to open adop...
“Help me. Help me help you. Help me…help you. HelpMeHelpYou.” While watching Jerry Maguire for the millionth time recently, this lin...
For some, the thought of becoming pregnant is a dream come true, while for others it’s an unexpected situation. Whatever the circumstances, there ar...
Using positive adoption language is important in every-day life. If you are involved in the adoption process it’s important that you know the positi...
Good Morning everyone, we’re halfway to the long weekend! The current state of the economy has affected many personal decisions such as where an...
Lately more and more information has been released about China and the way the government has handled adoptions for many years. Two weeks ago, the num...
Good Morning Everyone! Here is a great blog post from “Portrait of Adoption.” The writer of the post, Carrie Goldman, has two biological c...
For those who have not seen our new staff bio pages, we have recently added introduction videos for the staff members. I’d like to take this opportu...
Good Morning Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. If you come across an article related to adoption or families, that you think other readers w...