Last night was the Adoption STAR staff dinner and training, and as a group we watched a PBS documentary from the POV series entitled “Off and Runnin...

Last night was the Adoption STAR staff dinner and training, and as a group we watched a PBS documentary from the POV series entitled “Off and Runnin...
Good Morning everyone! One of the big stories yesterday was the White House’s release of President Obama’s official birth certificate. Acc...
It seems like the learning process never ends. As a kid you think you’re done learning after college, but you quickly realize that is far from the c...
Good Morning everyone! We’re half-way through the week and the sun is shining bright here at Adoption STAR Head Quarters. Every morning when I a...
I came across this AP article this afternoon about the increase in American families adopting infants who were born HIV positive. There are a lot of m...
Here is a very interesting story by the AP from Yahoo! News , along with an ABC video from the, about high school student Gabby Rodrigu...
In 2009, the Western New York community suffered a devastating event: the crash of Continental Flight 3407: 50 lives were lost and our entire communit...
Here are 25 ways to deal ways to approach the “ready and waiting” process in the healthiest way. There is so much to learn about adoption ...