Wendy Lane recounts some recent work she’s been conducting with a birth mother who’s looking for assistance and support. Family STAR has been gett...

Wendy Lane recounts some recent work she’s been conducting with a birth mother who’s looking for assistance and support. Family STAR has been gett...
Adoption STAR is a proud to be actively involved with Canisius College’s Women’s Business Center. More specifically, Adoption STAR’s Development...
Folks that regularly read our agency’s monthly e-newsletter may have caught a series of brief book summaries recently written by Chris Fancher. One ...
Parenting is a full time job whether or not you are physically with your child 24-hours a day. Days move into weeks, weeks into months, months into ye...
Grief is an emotion experienced by all who are involved in the adoption journey, most noticeably birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees. The re...
Post Placement and Post Adoption: What Do They Mean? What are the Differences? Along the way, you will meet a social worker who does post placement vi...
In part one of this two part blog series we delve into names and the most popular ones of 2013. We begin with the Boys. The Social Security Administra...
Adoption STAR celebrated the holidays this past weekend with three great parties: SOFIA holiday parties in Rochester and Albany, along with a Candle P...
Wendy Lane. LMT, MSW, recaps a staff training on the Basic Principles of Counseling: Focusing on Grief taught by a professor of Counseling and Educati...
Wendy Lane, who offers Post Adoption Support, gives a behind the scenes look at what happens in our offices. I am Wendy Lane, and I am lucky. I am mom...