Before August comes to an end, we wanted to share that it is National Immunization Awareness Month. Today, most children in the United States are heal...

Before August comes to an end, we wanted to share that it is National Immunization Awareness Month. Today, most children in the United States are heal...
An adoption Lifebook is a handmade scrapbook and keepsake that chronicles and illustrates a child’s journey to his or her adoptive home. It is used ...
Adoption STAR’s Director of Adoption Kathy Crissey relies on her years of adoption experience to write a letter from the perspective of a Birth Pare...
Question – “I waited through infertility. I have to wait for our home study to be finished, and then I have to wait for a baby to be placed with [...
While family life is undoubtedly hectic, it’s important to remember to take advantage of any opportunity to spend meaningful, fun time together. In ...
Advice for prospective adoptive parents that have been matched with expectant parents who are looking to make an adoption plan. It is a very personal ...
A link via today’s blog post provides valuable information on breastfeeding for adoptive parents! Many adoptive parents assume that breastfeeding th...
Understanding the varying levels of openness in adoption is important for both expectant parents and prospective adoptive parents. Today’s blog post...
From Adoption STAR’s perspective, pre-parenthood adoption education is a key element of adoption readiness. As per our Adoptive Parent Services book...
Adoption STAR’s Director of Adoption Kathy Crissey shares a piece of beautiful poetry that would never have been written without an adult daughter a...