Good Morning everyone, we’re halfway to the long weekend! The current state of the economy has affected many personal decisions such as where an...

Good Morning everyone, we’re halfway to the long weekend! The current state of the economy has affected many personal decisions such as where an...
Lately more and more information has been released about China and the way the government has handled adoptions for many years. Two weeks ago, the num...
Good Morning Everyone! Here is a great blog post from “Portrait of Adoption.” The writer of the post, Carrie Goldman, has two biological c...
Good Morning Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. If you come across an article related to adoption or families, that you think other readers w...
Using positive adoption language is important in every-day life. If you are involved in the adoption process it’s important that you know the positi...
Good Morning everyone! We’ve made it to the end of another week, I hope everyone has fun plans this weekend. A North Carolina man is upset with ...
Everybody has his or her personal favorite band, whose music they can just listen to over and over again and not get tired of it. Mine is the Beatles,...
Original birth certificates have been in the news lately, first with the release of President Obama’s and now the state of New Jersey is close t...
Since the Adoption STAR Blog started about one month ago, we have told many birth parent and adoptive parent stories. Today we will be telling the ado...
The adoption profile book is a very important aspect to the adoption process. It allows the expectant parents to get a glimpse into the world of poten...