We have spoken a great deal about making an adoption plan for your child, but it is also important to have a plan for when you go into labor. You [&he...

We have spoken a great deal about making an adoption plan for your child, but it is also important to have a plan for when you go into labor. You [&he...
What is post adoption contact? It is another way of describing an open adoption, often within a written agreement between the adoptive parents and b...
This review of “Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother” is from Dana Smith I read the book “Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive MotherR...
Written by Adoption STAR CEO and Founder, Michele Fried This was one of our many wishes for Naomi, our wonderful Administrative Assistant, who the Ado...
For those who have not seen our new staff bio pages, we have recently added introduction videos for the staff members. I’d like to take the opportun...
Adoption STAR recently published an PDF on ways to make adoption affordable for your family. While adoption is not inexpensive, Adoption STAR works wi...
Adoption STAR is proud introduce its original podcast series. We will be releasing new podcasts on a monthly basis on topics important to adoptees, ad...
Choosing to place a baby for adoption is a very difficult decision, and there are generally a number of factors that contribute to such an important a...
This Sunday, August 7, Adoption STAR will be holding its annual adoptive family picnic at Ellicott Creek Park, shelters 10A and 10B, from 1-4 pm. All ...
You asked and we answered. We receive emails on a regular basis from people touched by adoption, asking us to write about different adoption-related t...