We have covered the Adoption tax credit in detail on this blog before, so this is more of a refresher for those that need more information on the adop...

We have covered the Adoption tax credit in detail on this blog before, so this is more of a refresher for those that need more information on the adop...
For those who have not seen our new staff bio pages, we have recently added introduction videos for the staff members. I’d like to take the opportun...
Sunday was the first day that gay and lesbian couples could legally marry in New York State, and the New York Times profiled four families who were lo...
This is going to be a quick post, but I just wanted to remind all of our adoptive families, as well as Adoption STAR prospective adoptive parents, tha...
While browsing the Facebook pages of fellow adoption agencies I saw a question on The Adoption Network page: “You can’t pick your family. Discuss:...
It’s always important to promote creativity, especially with children. When these creative activities can be educational or promote confidence a...
NBC News tells the story of Damon Davis and his birth mother, Ann Sullivan, who were recently reunited 38 years after Sullivan made an adoption plan. ...
The Adoption STAR website has a pregnancy calculator that can help you figure out when you can expect to give birth. Calculating a due date can someti...
Jena Heath recently wrote an article in The Austin American-Statesman about the adoption journey she, her husband and their daughter Caroline have gon...
The United States and Russia signed an adoption agreement on Wednesday that will hopefully begin to repair the embattled relationship between the two ...