For those that missed the Facebook post earlier today, we would like to begin an Official Adoption STAR Book Club. The “meetings” will tak...

For those that missed the Facebook post earlier today, we would like to begin an Official Adoption STAR Book Club. The “meetings” will tak...
How would your life have changed if you were adopted? That is a question we have all wondered at one point or another. According to this article on Bo...
By Michele Fried I was one of those who chose not to watch the Casey Anthony trial. But I know so many people who did. Emotional reactions to the verd...
By Lisa Geiger, Adoption STAR Family Advocate and Adoption Counselor When I told my children that I would be working for an adoption agency, almost im...
Good Morning Everyone, hope you all had a great weekend. First off, we’d like to apologize for issues we have been having recently with the Adop...
We asked our adoptive parents on Facebook page for some advice for potential adoptive parents, and received a lot of great tips. The common themes fro...
This article was recently published in the Baltimore Sun, and is one of the more interesting search and reunion stories I have read since starting at ...
My adoption journey started with a dream that has been inside me since I was a young man. Like many who are starting this trip I had many unanswered q...
Not only is Modern Family a very funny show, it can be educational as well. In the episode “2 Monkeys and a Panda” (which can be seen in entirety ...
Today we are sharing the adoption journey of fathers Carl and Marion, and their daughter Olivia who joined their family recently. Carl’s and Mar...